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Rio Rancho Presbyterian Church

1004 24th Street SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124   (505) 892-6664    


We welcome your donations

Your contributions to the church allow us to continue God’s mission and ministries to the congregation, community, and world. All donations will be placed in the general fund, unless otherwise designated by you.  Your contributions are greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

Monthly Pledges – Information Coming Soon for 2022!

At the end of each year we ask our congregation to submit their annual pledge to assist the Session to establish and plan for the following years’ budget. If you have not submitted your 2021 pledge and would like to do so now, send an email to  and indicate what your pledge will be for the year. 

How do I submit my donation?

Online Giving – New

RRPC has partnered with the Presbyterian Foundation for a simple, safe and secure way for you to submit your donation(s) online.  Just click on the GIVE NOW button to get started or use the QR code on your android or apple phone camera.







For more information, frequently asked questions, and how to guide, visit the Online Giving page.

You may also:

  • Mail a check to the Church.  Please be sure to indicate the purpose of the check (pledge, per capita, 2 Cents a Meal, etc.) in the memo line.  
  • Drop off your donation at the Church on Mondays between 9:00 AM and Noon; or
  • Make arrangements to have a one-time or recurring payment through the Bill Pay function of your financial institution.  You will need to check with your institution to determine how this is done. 


    Thank you for your contributions to God and our Church!