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Rio Rancho Presbyterian Church

1004 24th Street SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124   (505) 892-6664    

Capital Donations

Caring for God’s House TOGETHER


We welcome your donations

for Capital Campaign and Stewardship.

We are all familiar with the Stewardship drive each fall, asking members to pledge so we can plan the ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET for the next year.  That covers routine expenses: salaries, utilities and a myriad of others.

That does not cover larger issues that affect aging buildings.  Ours is approx. 35 years old. If we “put off fixing until NEXT year, or maybe the next”,  our delay only costs more.  So we are starting the Capital Campaign to deal with these big ticket non-recurring repairs and upgrades: new roof, re-asphalt the parking lot, etc.   (Click on the Projects Planned button for more info.)

Using a parallel process of pledges and donations, we’re creating a THREE YEAR CAPITAL BUDGET.  Costs are estimated to total twice our annual budget: thus the extension to three years.

You should have gotten your Capital pledge card by now (different than the Stewardship pledge card, also arriving.  If you missed our pledge card, here you can get a copy to tell us your plans.

This level of giving will be a stretch and we are providing additional ways to donate.  Traditionally, we donate with cash, checks and online.  We will extend the online giving and set up to accept stocks and other appreciated assets.  Donating these to a church gives the church a major boost and you get a tax break.

or contact the church Treasurer to deal with alternate assets/procedures.