Your donations to the Church allow us to continue God’s mission and ministries to our congregation, community, and the world. Donations go into the general operational fund, unless otherwise designated by you. A Giving Statement is distributed to members and visitors in January for the previous year.
Beginning in October of each year, the Finance Committee and Session begins preparing the operating budget for the following year. The Finance and Stewardship Committee sends an annual letter to the members in late October. Our budget is based on the pledges we receive.
Our operating expenses include pay and benefits for the Pastor, Office Manager, Music Director, Accompanist, and Sunday Childcare; utilities (gas, electric, security, telephones, and garbage); worship and communion costs; mission programs; educational supplies and materials; and general supplies and materials to help our Church and its congregation.
We ask our members to submit their annual pledge which will help us plan for the following year. Information on how to pledge will be provided in the annual letter.
We have partnered with the Presbyterian Foundation for a simple, safe, and secure way to submit your donations online. Here is as quick overview of the process and how to give online: Introduction_to_Giving_to RRPC
To start your donation, click here
You can download the Vanco Mobile App from the Google or Apple store.
Be sure to search for the Rio Rancho Presbyterian Church or use the invite code of 3FW7C8
The system does not include an end-date to stop recurring payments; you must access your account to stop these payments.
A confirmation email is sent after each payment.
You can view your past donations at any time.
Place your check and or cash in the Sunday Offering Plate. All donations will be placed in the general operational fund, unless otherwise designated by you.
Send your check (please do not send cash) to Rio Rancho Presbyterian Church, 1004 24th Street, SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124. Please indicate the purpose of the check (pledge, per capita, 2 Cents a Meal, etc.) in the memo line.
Make arrangements with your financial institution to have a one-time or recurring payment sent electronically or by check. This can be established in the Bill Pay function of your online account. You can also ask the Bank (usually at no additional cost) to send a check on your behalf. Please check with your financial institution to determine how this is accomplished.
Thank you for your contributions to God and our Church!