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Rio Rancho Presbyterian Church

1004 24th Street SE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124   (505) 892-6664    



Nancy Leffler, Music Director     Nathan Secrest, Accompanist

Music is one of the most wonderful gifts God has given us.  What would our worship be like without the joyful expression of God’s people through song?  Our goal at RRPC is to have a music ministry that is vibrant and alive, that offers opportunities for everyone in the church to be involved, and that ultimately brings glorious praise to our Lord Jesus Christ.  We hope that you will find a place to use your musical talent in our church.

Chancel Choir

You won’t find a friendlier church choir in all of Rio Rancho.

The Chancel Choir is for ages 16+. The choir sings nearly every Sunday in church from September through May. People from the congregation share their talents in June and July, and we have a Sunday morning “pick up” choir in August. You do NOT have to commit to an entire year. Try 6 to 8 weeks, then decide if you want to continue. We are flexible with personal schedules, too. Just let us know when you won’t be able to sing so that we aren’t counting on you for a particular piece.

JuBELLation Ringers

Ever thought about giving handbells a try? Now’s your chance!

JuBELLation Ringers is our handbell choir for ages 13+. You do not need musical experience. We will help you learn! You will be assigned two bells. . .one for each hand, and the sharps/flats that go with them!

This adult handbell ensemble usually plays on the third Sunday of every month from Sept. thru May, as well as at special services during holiday seasons. Skill in reading music is helpful, but not required — you can learn as you go.

Every person is critical in a handbell choir, so we request that you commit for an entire season. (September – December and/or January – May)

Old Time Religion Stringers and Singers

Old Time Religion is a group of acoustic musicians and singers who enjoy sharing older hymns with the congregation. Generally, they share a piece once a month with two rehearsals prior to participating in service. If you play dulcimer, mandolin, ukulele, violin, guitar, etc, you are welcome to join in.  Rehearsal and participation dates vary, so please contact the music director if you are interested.  We’d love to you!


Everyone who participates in the music ministry has the opportunity to gather socially throughout each season singing, ringing and stringing. Also, many choir members work together to perform duets or small ensembles in the summer, or for the offertory. We are a social bunch!

Do you have a musical gift? Whatever your ability, I’m sure we can find a place for you at RRPC. Please email the Music Director and let us know how you would like to be involved in our music ministry.